In September of this year and with about 5 thousand cubic meters: Pars Tableau one-month record breaking in the concreting of the national housing project in the city of Qom
According to the public relations report, Pars Tableau Company, as one of the leading executors of mass construction projects in the country, managed to register an important record in the Qom housing mass construction project within one month.
According to official reports, in September of this year, this project was able to achieve a record of about 5 thousand cubic meters of concrete pouring and completion of 40 roofs of different blocks, which shows the commitment and capability of the executive team of Pars Tableau in the fast and qualitative advancement of building projects.
The National Housing Project of Qom, including 1220 residential units, is located in Pardisan area of Qom, and Pars Tableau Company, using its technical and operational capacities, is trying to complete this project within the stipulated time while maintaining quality and speed.
By continuing this process, the project management intends to fully realize its quality and time goals and play a significant role in the development of housing infrastructure in Qom city.